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Help Prevent DEforestation

Plant Trees

You may think that planting one tree won't make up for the millions that are lost, but the environment will have gained a tree. Planting trees to help deforestation isn't a one time thing, it is a continuous process. The more trees we plant, the more it will make up for the ones lost. If you are unable to plant a tree, you can always donate. There is an organization called Plant a Billion Trees and their goal is to collect money and plant one billion trees by 2025. Even donating a couple dollars will make a difference in saving our environment.

Go Green

The three R's is what everyone thinks of when going green. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Just these three simple things, and trees are already being saved. Reduce; don't waste paper. Avoid printing large amounts of paper copies. If the job can be done online, keep it online. Reuse; don't throw away paper if it is still usable. Write on the other side, use it for draft printing, packing material, make pet cage lining. There are so many things you could substitute out and use paper. Recycle; recycle the paper so new products can be made. If you recycle your paper, less trees are needed to cut down to supply new paper products. All of these solutions can be done in your daily life without any difficulty and it will help give you a healthier and happier life.

Raise Awareness and Donate

Just like what we are doing, spread the word! Tell others who are unaware that deforestation is harming our environment rapidly. If you see someone throwing paper away, tell them to put it in the recycling bin. If you see someone drawing a draft on unused paper, tell them to draw it on scrap paper first. If you see someone not printing double-sided, tell them to stop! The more people we have knowing and doing what they can, the more impact we will have on saving our environment.

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